Team Angie⚡

A pod exploring emotions and vulnerability.

Why are we doing this?

To practice building emotional proximity in a group.

To explore emotions together.

What are we doing together?

There’s four of us. We’re meeting every three weeks for a 2h call via Zoom.

We agreed on four calls plus a "retrospective" call at the end to review our experience and decide on the next steps (and if there are any). We scheduled all five calls in advance to simplify scheduling.

How do our meetings look like?

We decided to cover the following topics:

  1. Our stories

  2. Authentic Relating and Vulnerability

  3. Negative Emotions

  4. Relationships in Families

  5. Retro

Each person facilitates one call, and each call looks slightly different to fit the topic. We're including a balance between experiencing (practical exercises) and sharing our experiences.

We're taking notes together to reduce burden on individuals. Notes are minimal, and can include a photo of hand-written notes—whatever is easier.

What do we do apart from the calls?

We’re documenting the process in a shared google folder with the following documents:

  • Log: macro overview of the process as it is unfolding (📔 see here)

  • Session Notes: detailed notes from each session

We're communicating in-between sessions via telegram, although we don't have any specific interaction format.

How did we start?

We arranged an initial call, between the four of us to share intentions and check if there’s a potential to start this project together.

We identified shared interest in exploring emotions and we arranged a second call to decide the format for the pod.

Last updated

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