Intuitive Movement Sequence
A noncoercive exercise routine.
Last updated
A noncoercive exercise routine.
Last updated
I love to start my day by connecting with my body. It changes everything. However, I feel resistance towards coercing myself into a rigid exercise routine – sometimes my body just doesn't feel like a specific type of exercise, and I've noticed that if I force it, I tend to end up dramatically reducing the amount of movement in my life. I guess I'm just a sucker for freedom.
Here's the key insight:
I want to move a lot, but it doesn't really matter what kind of movement I engage in. I'd rather move intuitively. And my intuitive movement sequence is a continuous daily "heartbeat" helping me to bring me back to my body, so I feel like engaging in more forms of movement.
The idea came from observing Silvia building her own 15m morning movement sequence, which became her exercising tiny habit. It's been working like a charm for her, so I copied a few of the exercises and started to gradually develop my own routine.
In essence, the sequence is a blend of yoga and strength training inspired by my handstand coaching. The components change from day to day depending on how I feel. I've decided to start recording my sessions to get tips on how to improve my positions.
The absolute, non-negotiable minimum is to do one Sun Salutation. This is so little, that I have absolutely no excuse to skip it, no matter how busy or tired I am. While everything else is optional, the truth is that while I start doing it, I actually want to do more.
Here's an example of my full movement sequence:
Funny enough, on that particular day, I went for a run straight after finishing this sequence. That's exactly what I wanted to achieve – unlock more movement!
Here's a video from another day when I didn't have much time, and decided to do a bit of meta reflecting on the process.
On that day, the sequence was followed by a bicycle ride and a yoga session.
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